Francesco Lorenzetti is Chief Financial Officer of Fondazione Cariplo, one of the main philanthropic organizations in the world. In 25 years the Foundation supported 30,000 projects, focused on youth, wellbeing and community-based welfare, with € 2,7 billion. The funds the Foundation uses for its philanthropic action are those earned from disciplined, responsible management of its assets.
In 2007 Francesco arranged the acquisition of the majority of Polaris Investment Sa by Fondazione Cariplo and other not for profit partners and played a major role in the start-up of Polaris Investment Sgr. Since then the Polaris Group has been one the major platforms for the investments of the not for profit sector in Europe. Between 2007 and 2012 Francesco has been the group CEO. In 2003 he negotiated the privatization of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti as the advisor of Acri – the Italian association of the foundations of banking origin – and he has been a member of the committee of privilege shareholders of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti SpA (2003-2012).
Previously, Francesco has been member of EU Working Group on Transferability of Supplementary pension rights, between 1997 and 1998 he represented the Italian Treasury within the Oecd Committees for Institutional Investors. Francesco was also a money manager at the Credit Suisse and Akros groups, a financial economist at the Akros group and a part-time university professor.