Executive Manager of AICCON, the Italian research centre promoted by the University of Bologna, the Alliance of Italian Co-operatives and by various organisations dealing with social economy issues.
Co-founder of ASSIF (the Italian Association of fundraisers) and director of The Fund Raising School. He is Board of Directors Member of FITS! Fondazione per l’Innovazione del Terzo Settore, foundation promoted by Banca Prossima and supporting the Third sector in Italy. Moreover, he is member of the Scientific Commission of SYMBOLA Foundation and of the Italian National Centre for Volunteering – CNV.
Furthermore, he is member of the editorial board of Rivista Impresa Sociale; he is also author and editor of numerous publications and journal articles on social economy, social enterprises and social innovation, among which the annual report on social enterprises in Italy (Iris Network, 2014) and the book on co-operative hybrid organisations (Il Mulino, 2014).